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Research scientist, Institut de la vision (Sorbonne Université / Inserm / CNRS), Sorbonne Université

Serge Picaud started his Phd on fly Vision (Marseille University, France) prior to studying the pathophysiology of photodynamic damages on the rodent retina (Max-Planck for Brain Research, Frankfort, Germany). He then moved to the electrophysiology of amphibian photoreceptors (UC Berkeley, USA). Bridging all these fields, Serge Picaud has established a team at the vision Institute in Paris (France) to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms of our vision while developing new therapies for preventing retinal diseases. In the recent years, his interest has moved to restoring vision in blind patients by visual protheses and optogenetic therapy. Clinical trials are ongoing on these two strategies for patients having lost their photoreceptors.


  • 2009–present
    Directeur de recherche INSERM, Institut de la Vision