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Author and Teaching fellow, University Language Centre, University of Manchester

I am the author of novels 'The Wild Wind' (Polygon Birlinn) which was longlisted for The Guardian's Not the Booker award, 'The Inheritance' (Polygon Birlinn), and 'The Bureau of Second Chances' (Polygon Birlinn) which won the Writers' Guild Award for Best First Novel. My short stories have appeared on the BBC and in literary magazine, Extra Teeth.

I have a PhD in sociolinguistics from Lancaster University, and my monograph 'Second Generation South Asian Britons: Multilingualism, Heritage Languages, and Diasporic Identities' was published with Lexington Press (2019).

I teach in the University Language Centre, part of the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures. I teach mainly Academic Writing and English for Academic Purposes, but I also lead a module, Language and Identity in Mulitcultural Spaces, on the MA in Intercultural Communication.

I have a Master's in Education from the Open University, and a BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Wales.


  • –present
    Senior Language Tutor, University Language Centre, University of Manchester


  • 2017 
    Lancaster University, Ph D in Linguistics