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Associate Professor in Energy Systems, UCL

Steve Pye is a Principal Research Associate in energy systems at the UCL Energy Institute, with over 10 years’ experience in the provision of climate and energy-related research and consultancy, particularly through the development and application of MARKAL/TIMES energy system models. His current research interests include exploration of low carbon transitions in the UK, focusing on exploring, characterising and communicating system uncertainty, using both the UKTM and ESME models, and assessing issues of equity under different transitions.

Steve has been involved in numerous modelling studies exploring long term energy pathways for UK Government and associated UK bodies, such as the UK Committee on Climate Change (CCC). This includes provision of MARKAL modelling for the 2006 Energy Review, 2007 Energy White Paper and 2008 Climate Change Act Impact Assessment. He has also been involved in building a range of models, including the UK MARKAL model, and the UK TIMES model. Prior to joining UCL, Steve gained extensive international energy modelling experience. Between 2009 and 2012, he worked on a range of large scale projects for USAID in the Balkan region, Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Pakistan and US DOE in the USA. All projects have focused on MARKAL/TIMES model development and analysis of long term sustainable energy pathways, with strong capacity building aspects.


  • –present
    Associate Professor, UCL


  • 2020 
    University College Cork, PhD