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Senior Research Nurse Coordinator, Murdoch Children's Research Institute

Tria is a paediatric nurse who has worked at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute for the past 24 years. Tria has worked as a clinical nurse consultant in both paediatric dermatology and rheumatology and recently completed a Masters of Clinical Research at the University of Melbourne. Tria is a member of the MCRI Tropical Diseases and Vaccine Uptake groups, and is currently working on the COVID Wellbeing project and leads the Urban Pharyngitis Surveillance Study for the Australian Strep A Vaccine Initiative (ASAVI). Tria was awarded the Royal Children’s Hospital Mary Patten Award in 2007 in recognition for her commitment to patient care. Tria is a mother to 3 girls.


  • 2020–present
    Senior Research Nurse Coordinator, Vaccine Uptake Group, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
  • 2020–present
    Senior Project Coordinator, Australian Strep A Vaccine Initiative (ASAVI) Tropical Diseases, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
  • 2005–2020
    Rheumatology Clinical Nurse Consultant, Royal Children's Hospital, Murdoch Children's Research Institute