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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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Orange Harlequin bugs are unappealing to birds – and almost invisible to a preying mantis. Louise (Flickr) via Wikimedia Commons

To avoid mantids, stinkbugs evolved to hide in plain sight

Did you know that the sky isn’t actually blue? Perhaps in school you learned about how air scatters light, filtering out red light from the sun, but that is only half the story. While our eyes perceive…
Inside Boeing’s Dreamliner: tomorrow’s polymers today. Jordan Tan

Five synthetic materials with the power to change the world

The New York World’s Fair of 1939-40 was one of the greatest expos the world had ever seen. Visitors to Flushing Meadow Park in Queens were invited to see the “world of tomorrow” giving them a first glimpse…
Technology is changing finance in ways Jefferson would never have imagined. Marie Shearin Images/Shutterstock

A wave of financial tech firms is shaking up the world of banking

Digital technology and pervasive access to the internet have reshaped many industries, and banking is no exception: Hampden and Co is the latest in a short but growing list of digital-only banks built…
Time for human trials? Halfpoint

Three-person IVF: science shows ethical questions remain unanswered

Diseases caused by genetic mutations in the mitochondria – the powerhouses of the cell – can be disabling, or even deadly. That is why mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT), otherwise also known as three-person…
16 milliseconds after the beginning of the Anthropocene: The Trinity nuclear test. Los Alamos National Laboratory

First atomic bomb test may mark the beginning of the Anthropocene

Human beings don’t merely inhabit the world. They alter it, on an increasingly epic scale. It is said that we now live in a new epoch, the Anthropocene, in which geology and climate are controlled as much…
I see numbers! Rosa Rogani, University of Padova

Like most humans, chicks count from left to right

Imagine you are asked to mentally arrange the numbers one to nine. Most people will place the numbers along a horizontal line from left to right, so that one is furthest left and nine is furthest right…
In some parts of the world Blackberry is still king, but for how long? qiaomeng

Who wants a BlackBerry these days? Millions in Africa and Asia

BlackBerry, once the must-have device for the sweaty palms of executives and wannabe executives everywhere, has seen its global share of the smartphone market fall to below 1%. So would you still buy this…
An ion trap of the type used in the experiment. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Innsbruck

Quantum computer makes finding new physics more difficult

Physicists often work unusual hours. You will find them running experiments at 4am and 10pm. This is because, so long as the pertinent conditions inside a lab – such as temperature or light level – are…
Ready for brekkie. warriorpoet

What does Spider-Man eat for breakfast?

While stuck in a hotel room I got sucked into watching the 2002 Spider-Man movie. And it struck me that Peter Parker must have an enormously high-protein diet to generate all that spider silk he goes through…
I’ve got worms… nathaninsandiego

Meet the parasitic worm that kills giant pandas

Giant pandas aren’t dying like they used to. In the early 1980s, starvation accounted for more than nine out of ten deaths. However, over the past three decades a parasitic gut worm has replaced that as…
Ready to fight to the death? James Cook

Every time a fig is born there is a wasp massacre

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is a common refrain. But usually it is not followed by the words “because your neighbours may kill you”. However, this is precisely the scenario faced by some female…
Make up your mind, glass. jurra8

Is glass a solid or a liquid?

Before Pilkingtons invented plate glass in the mid-19th century, flat panes could not be made. Old windows are uneven. Some once thought this was because glass is a liquid that flows down slowly over the…