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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 4651 - 4675 of 5718 articles

The retina captures light signals and sends them to the brain. from

Look, your eyes are wired backwards: here’s why

The reverse-wiring of the eyeball has long been a mystery, but new research shows a remarkable structural purpose: increasing and sharpening our colour vision.
Maths is everywhere and Pi is no exception. Holger Motzkau

A day in the life of Pi

Mathematics nerds abound, Pi Day is here, and this year it’s more accurate than ever.
Blooming marvellous: cacti are among the few plant species that can thrive in the desert. Alan Levine/Flickr

Why are cacti so juicy? The secret strategy of succulents

Photosynthesis can be costly - but plants in hot and dry environments have evolved two special strategies for storing carbon dioxide, that could be used to protect crops against climate change.
Baby it’s warm inside … we have 200 microbes for every human cell. Agricultural Research Service

Are you overweight? The clue’s in your poo

Our personal collection of microbes is vital for gut health - but new research shows that large-scale analysis of our ‘microbiomes’ can show if a population is fat or lean. The answer is in sewage.
Fossil fuels can only go so far towards meeting our burgeoning energy demands. Shutterstock

New nanomaterials will boost renewable energy

A non-metal alternative to platinum electrodes in fuel cells could make them an affordable solution for energy security.
‘If I’m honest I just don’t think this is Windows 10-compatible.’ (with apols to Ritchie & Thompson) Peter Hamer

To upgrade or not upgrade? That is the all-too-frequent question

The question of whether or not to go for the upgrade or stick with the devil you know is an increasingly common contemporary dilemma; the lure of new features against the threat of potentially disabling…