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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 4576 - 4600 of 5718 articles

Despite not being able to swim anymore, fossil fish could help find the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. US navy/flickr

How fish fossils can help us build better submarines

Understanding the evolution of fossil fish could help us explore the ocean and build better underwater vehicles, such as the equipment used in the search for flight MH370.
Move over, multiverse theory. ESA and the Planck Collaboration

Enormous hole in the universe may not be the only one

Astronomers have found a giant void in space that explains a mysterious cold spot in the sky. But the search is already on for other voids – and finding them could undermine the discovery.
‘Sign it? I mean, have you seen these new Facebook terms and conditions?’ Unknown artist

What use would a digital bill of rights be?

The Liberal Democrats have been a lone voice among the parties calling for a digital bill of rights governing our growing use of the internet. But is it the right solution for the problem in hand?