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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5201 - 5225 of 5718 articles

We’re losing sense of what it is to share. OakleyOriginals

Renting isn’t lending: the ‘sharing economy’ fallacy

The “sharing economy” seems to be everywhere at the moment. The Economist, the Financial Times and many others have all waxed lyrical about the social significance of using sites such as Airbnb or Uber…
One among many inevitable phenomena? edwardmusiak

Could biology explain the evolution of religion?

For a biologist like me, the interesting questions about religion have always been where did it come from and why did it evolve? I taught evolutionary biology in a Catholic University in the most Catholic…
A male Mexican true bushcricket, left, grasps female with bear-trap genital claspers. L Barrientos-Lozano

Handcuffs, traps and spikes shed light on sex lives of insects

Handcuffs, spikes and traps – you would think they were part of some bondage aficionado’s bedroom collection. But what are they doing in the insect world? A new study I worked on sheds light on why some…
Not pretty. Pete Seidel/Jack Poland/CDC

The bug that lost a few genes to become Black Death

About 6,000 years ago, a bacterium underwent a few genetic changes. These allowed it to expand its habitat from the guts of mice to that of fleas. Such changes happen all the time, but in this particular…
Ethane in three forms: subcritical, critical and supercritical. Dr. Sven Horstmann

Explainer: what is a supercritical fluid?

When we boil a kettle, we observe what scientists call a phase transition: the water changes from being a liquid to a gas as water becomes less dense. One litre of water boils to give about 1,000 litres…
Deadmau5: probably does his sums. The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas

Smart DJs use maths to mix the perfect beat

People are very good at moving in time to a beat. When you listen to your favourite song, you will probably find yourself nodding your head or tapping your foot along almost instinctively. And when you’re…
The internet’s original auction site is in a spot of bother. cytech

Massive eBay hack: change your password now

The latest internet giant to have its security compromised is eBay. A database containing user information has been hacked, leaving potentially millions of people vulnerable. The revelation is clearly…
The low end just got a bit more high end. Ikhlasul Amal

Cheap as chips phones: is it time to make the switch?

A change is taking place in the mobile phone market that has the potential to bring more power to the consumer. Cheaper devices are becoming an option and while they’re not quite ready yet, they could…
You can trust some but not others. williamhartz

Explainer: is your Wi-Fi secure?

James Lyne from IT security firm Sophos recently carried out a two-day public awareness exercise as part of the InfoSec 2014 conference. In a low-emission variation of war driving, Lyne cycled around the…
Good times, bad times, you know I had my share. epsos

Found: the dinosaur that survived mass extinction

A dinosaur has been found in Argentina which may have lasted beyond an extinction event that wiped out the rest of its family. The new species has been named Leinkupal laticauda, which in the language…
Does mankind’s religious instinct date back to prehistoric times? iurri

Caveman instincts may explain our belief in gods and ghosts

Notions of gods arise in all human societies, from all powerful and all-knowing deities to simple forest spirits. A recent method of examining religious thought and behaviour links their ubiquity and the…
Hate chemicals? Even this won’t work. zoomar

Five myths about the chemicals you breathe, eat and drink

All too often the use of the word “chemicals” in the news, in advertising and in common usage has the implication that they are bad. You never hear about chemicals that fight infections, help crops grow…