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Science + Tech – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 5301 - 5325 of 5718 articles

Amazon data centres like these power the internet. Eric Hunsaker

The key to a green internet lies beyond Amazon’s data centres

Environmental group Greenpeace has slammed Amazon for its environmental practices in its latest report on the green credentials of the technology industry. Greenpeace is concerned that Amazon Web services…
OK, who’ll give me a tenner for this? Eva Rinaldi

Crowdfunding isn’t just about money Mr Dyson

Serial entrepreneur and inventor James Dyson has spoken out against crowdfunding, arguing that the emerging trend is no good for supporting meaningful inventions. However, Dyson may have overlooked some…
Don’t mess with me. Crystal Ernst

Explainer: what is a pseudoscorpion?

Pseudoscorpions are commonly known as “false scorpions” or “book scorpions”. They belong to the Arachanida class, and, as the name suggests, they are like scorpions but without a stinger on their back…
You want to see what’s in my trolley? What’s in it for me? Alan

The next internet revolution brings data to the market

Every day, our lives are being captured digitally in the data that is generated by our transactions, interactions and movements. And as we become more connected through the internet of things, even more…
Blink and you’ll miss the subtle changes we’ve made to bikes of late. thelearningcurvedotca

Explainer: how do cyclists reach super fast speeds?

Even though spoked wheels and pneumatic tyres were invented in the 1880s, bicycle design hasn’t really changed a great deal in the time since – at least, at face value. However, look closer and around…
Maths can help in the hunt for MH370. EPA/Australian Department of Defence

How statistics can help in the mission to find MH370

That the Malaysian government, with the help of the UK’s INMARSAT, was able to dramatically narrow down the search area for flight MH370, made it seem much more likely that the wreckage of the plane might…
How regenerative medicine is born. nelas

New stem cell technique bypasses ethical concerns

Stem cell and cloning research using human cells remain controversial, even though it is nearly 20 years since Dolly the sheep became the first mammal to be cloned. One of the main reasons for this controversy…
Pinpoint that sex offender or maybe your own past problems. heiwa4126

Even the innocent should worry about sex offender apps

The average citizen may not feel that they have anything to fear from the rise of apps that promise to identify sex offenders in their area but they are part of a worrying trend that should act as a warning…
Tim Kelsey doesn’t want you to worry about your data. Policy Exchange

FoI reveals cynical logic that compromises NHS data privacy

It’s crunch time for the UK government’s controversial scheme, which has been postponed for the second time. A new advisory panel is starting work this week to try to work out how to get this…