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Arts + Culture – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 1251 - 1275 of 1714 articles

Two people dress up as Gaydar bots during San Francisco’s 2014 gay pride parade. Scott Schiller/flickr

Debunking the ‘gaydar’ myth

The idea of gaydar, the ability to discern who’s gay and who isn’t, promotes stereotypes. And research purporting to prove its existence is flawed.
Poul Henningsen’s Artichoke Lamp, viewed from below at London’s Park Plaza Hotel. Doc Searls/Wikimedia Commons

From the mundane to the divine, some of the best-designed products of all time

We asked five design experts – what’s your favorite product of all time, and why?
Twain was an opinionated, prolific commentator on the personalities and political issues of his day. Terry Ballard/flickr

What would Mark Twain think of Donald Trump?

He probably would have been amused by – and maybe even befriended – Trump the entertainer. Trump the president? Not so much.
Genking, a male-born Japanese TV personality and ‘genderless’ pioneer. _genking_/Instagram

Japan’s gender-bending history

In Japanese popular culture, new trends come and go. But the Japanese have toyed with gender norms for generations.
A 1941 photograph depicts the Chicago Defender’s linotype operators. Wikimedia Commons

Can the black press stay relevant?

From the treatment of black World War II veterans to Emmett Till’s murder, the black press helped lay the groundwork for the civil rights movement. What role can it play today?
A family catches Mardi Gras beads during the Krewe of Thoth parade down St. Charles Avenue in 2000. Reuters

The destructive life of a Mardi Gras bead

Each Mardi Gras, 25 million pounds of beads hit the streets of New Orleans. One researcher went to the Chinese factories that make them – and spoke to the workers who believe the beads will be given to royalty.
Director Asghar Farhadi wins the award for best screenplay at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. Yves Herman/Reuters

How Iranian filmmakers like Asghar Farhadi defy the censors

Their critiques may be more gentle, their attacks more circumspect – but they are resonant nonetheless. And when filmmakers like Farhadi confront Trump, they’re on familiar turf: They’ve seen his type back home.
Does technology shackle us, preventing us from interacting with real people? 'Chain' via www.shutterstock

Is your smartphone making you shy?

Some have said that technology could lead to ‘a new ice age’ of social isolation. Not so fast, says the author of a new book about shyness.
'Crayons' via

Who counts as black?

With the number of multiracial Americans growing, there’s a fierce debate in the black community over who’s black – and who isn’t.
Is the system broken? 'Record Player' via

Are the Grammys really about good music?

After winning his Grammy in 1996, Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder said, ‘I don’t think this means anything.’ Was he right?
‘Maus’ and ‘Watchmen’ are two of the most well-known graphic novels. Ken Whytock/flickr

How the graphic novel got its misleading moniker

The graphic novel has become a literary phenomenon, but the name doesn’t adequately describe the medium’s flexibility, diversity and potential.
'Secrets' via

How should you read unnamed sources and leaks?

With an explosion of media outlets that don’t adhere to mainstream journalistic standards, it’s became difficult for readers to know whether to trust reports based on unnamed sources and leaks.