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Environment + Energy – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 2176 - 2200 of 2421 articles

Solar downtown: state-level policies led to a surge in solar adoption and energy efficiency measures in the late 2000s. Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

The Paris Agreement: the first local global environmental pact

States and regions are taking the lead on climate change action and, so far, are seeing economic and environmental benefits.
The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is part of a complicated history of land in the western US. US Fish and Wildlife Service

Malheur occupation in Oregon: whose land is it really?

Like much federal land in the US West, the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge has a long history tied to Native Americans’ plight and conflicts between settlers and the federal government.
Extreme drought, a predictable impact of El Niño, fuels wildfires on the island of Borneo on October 14. NASA/GSFC/LaRC/JPL-Caltech, MISR Team

What North America can expect from El Niño

The third-ever ‘super’ El Niño is under way. Here’s how it will affect your region in the US and how global warming affects this and future El Niños.
Public interest and peer pressure among countries are integral to enforcement of the Paris Agreement. Mal Langsdon/Reuters

The day after Paris: politicians hand the baton to green industries

The Paris Agreement recognizes the reality of global environmental pacts: the private sector must lead transition to low-carbon technology and civil society must keep up the pressure to act.
The first ever ‘red alert’ day in Beijing: reducing air pollution is one of the primary reasons for government action on climate change. Reuters

Why China and the US have found common purpose on climate change

The US-China relationship is crucial to any global deal on climate change. How strong is their common commitment to working on climate change, and can it last?
Volcanoes produce large amounts of a gas that interacts with air to produce sulfate aerosols, which act as tiny mirrors in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight – and heat. NASA

Can solar geoengineering be part of responsible climate policy?

Blocking the sun by injecting tiny particles in the atmosphere – called solar geoengineering – can lower the Earth’s temperature but has some real costs. Economists run the numbers.