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Health – Articles, Analysis, Opinion

Displaying 401 - 425 of 2721 articles

Gender-diverse adults have a harder time getting effective primary and preventive health care than their nontransgender counterparts. Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank via Getty Images

Doctors often aren’t trained on the preventive health care needs of gender-diverse people – as a result, many patients don’t get the care they need

From primary care to cancer screening and insurance coverage, gender-diverse people still face many hurdles to getting good medical care.
Sleep plays a critically important role in the recovery process in the days following a concussion. nicolamargaret/E+ via Getty Images

Concussions can cause disruptions to everyday life in both the short and long term – a neurophysiologist explains what to watch for

While high-profile concussions in the NFL have brought renewed attention to the gravity of head injuries, they can also occur on the playground or during junior varsity practices – with lasting effects.
Insect bites or stings, like the one on this person’s hand, are a manifestation of inflammation. Suthep Wongkhad/EyeEm via Getty Images

What is inflammation? Two immunologists explain how the body responds to everything from stings to vaccination and why it sometimes goes wrong

Inflammation is a complicated and important part of how the immune system responds to threats to the body. But when the inflammatory response goes awry, it can lead to serious problems.
The over-the-counter birth control pill will not require medical examinations or prescriptions prior to purchase. Sergey Mironov/Moment via Getty Images

With over-the-counter birth control pills likely to be approved, pharmacists and pharmacies could play an ever-increasing role in reproductive health care

Some states already allow pharmacists to provide birth control to patients with a prescription. But FDA approval of an over-the-counter birth control pill could greatly expand access.
The stroke suffered by U.S. Senate candidate John Fetterman has shed light on little-known aspects of stroke recovery. Mark Makela/Getty Images News via Getty Images

Fetterman’s struggles with language highlight the challenges after a stroke – a vascular neurologist explains aphasia and the path to recovery

Auditory processing disorders and aphasia can make spoken speech difficult to produce and understand. But these challenges alone do not imply cognitive impairments.
The new rating system shows that eating the right amount of vegetables can lower your risk of heart disease by nearly 20%. Westend61/Getty Images

How unhealthy is red meat? And how beneficial is it to eat vegetables? A new rating system could help you cut through the health guidelines

Health guidelines can feel contradictory and hard to interpret. But a new star rating system should help consumers and policymakers better parse the evidence behind health risks and outcomes.
Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death. But by finding polyps early on, colonoscopies can detect and prevent the cancer. Sebastian Kaulitzki/Science Photo Library via Getty Images

Colonoscopy is still the most recommended screening for colorectal cancer, despite conflicting headlines and flawed interpretations of a new study

Don’t be confused by recent media reports – colonoscopies are still the best way to detect and prevent colon cancer.
People who experience anxiety in childhood are more likely to deal with it in adulthood too. fizkes/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Anxiety detection and treatment in early childhood can lower risk for long-term mental health issues – an expert panel now recommends screening starting at age 8

Anxiety is the most common mental health issue facing children and adolescents. But research shows that early screening – including in school settings – can identify children who are at risk.
Technique matters when it comes to getting a sufficient amount of virus for a rapid test. Images By Tang Ming Tung/Digital Vision via Getty Images

COVID-19 rapid tests can breed confusion – here’s how to make sense of the results and what to do, according to 3 testing experts

Rapid tests can be an incredibly useful tool for early detection of COVID-19. Unfortunately, they sometimes leave people with more questions than answers.
Fans of the Portland Thorns hold protest signs during a game in 2021. AP Photo/Steve Dipaola

Abuse in women’s professional soccer was an ‘open secret’ – the ‘bystander effect’ and structural barriers prevented more players from speaking out

A new report has highlighted ‘systemic’ verbal, emotional and sexual abuse of women’s soccer players. Many feared retaliation if they spoke out, while others didn’t think it was their place.
Clinical guidelines can change when new research provides contradictory findings. Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Medical guidelines that embrace the humility of uncertainty could help doctors choose treatments with more research evidence behind them

How doctors care for their patients is highly influenced by clinical guidelines. Recommendations based on anecdotal experience or poor data can harm patients.