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These boys working in a Georgia cotton mill were photographed in 1909. Lewis Hine/The National Child Labor Committee Collection via Library of Congress

Abolishing child labor took the specter of ‘white slavery’ and the job market’s near collapse during the Great Depression

More than a fifth of US children were working in 1900, and many Americans saw nothing wrong with that. It took decades of activism and court battles plus economic upheaval to change course.
A massive shift to mail-in voting will be hard for many of the state and local officials who run elections. Michael Ciaglo/Getty Images

Mail-in voting’s potential problems only begin at the post office – an underfunded, underprepared decentralized system could be trouble

To carry out an election by mail, hundreds of thousands of state and local offices and employees across the US must make sure that ballots are processed in a fair, consistent and timely manner.
Afghan security personnel inspect the rubble of Afghanistan’s intelligence services building after a car bomb blast claimed by the Taliban killed at least 11 people, July 13, 2020. AFP via Getty Images

Afghanistan’s peace process is stalled. Can the Taliban be trusted to hold up their end of the deal?

In February, the US signed an historic accord with the Taliban to end the Afghanistan War. Now violence in the country is up and peace talks with the government are delayed yet again.
An artist’s impression of antibodies (red and blue) responding to an infection with the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (purple). KTSDESIGN/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Getty Images

Declining antibodies and immunity to COVID-19 – why the worry?

If antibody levels drop dramatically after an infection, what does that mean for immunity? An expert explains how B and T cells contribute to immunity and why antibodies don’t tell the full story.
With the proper equipment, you can enjoy the beauty of the night sky. Allexxandar via iStock/GettyImages

5 ways families can enjoy astronomy during the pandemic

COVID-19 may have messed up school and shut down a lot of entertainment venues. But you can still brighten things up by doing a little stargazing at night, an astronomer says.
Minneapolis Police create a blockade after a campaign rally for President Donald Trump on October 10, 2019. Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

Why police unions are not part of the American labor movement

George Floyd’s death has thrust police unions into the spotlight amid a growing recognition that they are not part of the U.S. labor movement but a narrow interest group pursuing their self-interests.
Safety precautions like wearing face masks and leaving space between desks are also important to limit the coronavirus’s spread. Ben Hasty/MediaNews Group/Reading Eagle via Getty Images

Reopening elementary schools carries less COVID-19 risk than high schools – but that doesn’t guarantee safety

New research points to why reopening elementary schools is the safest bet and what else needs to happen for schools to have the best chance of staying open.
People affected by the downturn in the economy caused by coronavirus at a food bank in Central Florida in April, 2020. Paul Hennessy/NurPhoto/Getty Images

While the US is reeling from COVID-19, the Trump administration is trying to take away health care

In the middle of the pandemic, the Trump administration is pursuing policy and a court ruling that would take away health care from millions. Two scholars explain the details.