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Politics – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 1176 - 1200 of 2608 articles

Understakers have had to take special precautions following a spike in COVID-19 related burials. EFE-EPA/Kim Ludbrook

Why human rights should guide responses to the global pandemic

While restrictions on civil and political liberties may be necessary to protect lives, human rights law requires that they go no further than what’s strictly necessary to achieve this goal.
Julius Nyerere’s ideas and legacy remain objects of debate in contemporary politics, especially in an election year. Getty Images

A contested legacy: Julius Nyerere and the 2020 Tanzanian election

For all of the shortcomings of Nyerere’s regime, his ideas continue to inspire Tanzanians fighting for a more equal and democratic future, over 20 years after his death.
A campaign poster of John Magufuli of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party who is seeking re-election as president in October. Ericky Boniphace/AFP via Getty Images)

How to hold elections safely and uphold democracy during the COVID-19 pandemic

International observation will not insulate controversial polls – such as Tanzania’s in October – from malpractices, but will make them less likely and allow them to be exposed.
A group in the secret alleyway after a distribution of reusable masks, hand sanitiser and mealie meal. Ralph/Growing up on the Streets

Young people living on Harare’s streets provide glimpses into life under COVID-19 lockdown

The story map reveals that like any part of society, street youth are both subject to and willing to conform to rules and conventions, in this case for their own and others’ safety.
The New Times of Rwanda announces the arrest of Felicien Kabuga in France, on May 16 2020, where he was living under a false identity. Simon Wohlfahrt/AFP

Rwanda: what’s at stake in the trial of Félicien Kabuga

Kabuga’s arrest marks the beginning of a long legal process in which the prosecution faces numerous challenges.