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Articles on Barack Obama

Displaying 261 - 280 of 681 articles

President Barack Obama stands with Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a Clinton campaign event in Charlotte, North Carolina, July 5, 2016. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Dreams from their mothers: Hillary and Obama bending history again

Hillary Clinton’s work lifting up girls and women has a striking parallel to the work of women who shaped President Obama and his presidency.
Donald Trump embraces legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight at a campaign rally in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jim Young/Reuters

Trump’s dog whistle: the white, screwed-over sports icon

Politicians are often eager to embrace the support of sports stars. But when Donald Trump trots out a very specific type of athlete and coach at his events, who’s he really trying to appeal to?
Does the rest of the world care about Australia’s election? EPA/Mast Irham

Views from abroad: how is the world seeing Australia’s election?

Experts in the UK, US, India, Indonesia and NZ explain how Australia’s election is playing out abroad and what’s at stake for our neighbours and allies.
Malcolm Turnbull’s short biographical video on social media talks about being raised by his single-parent father, and the love his father Bruce showered on his son. AAP/Lukas Coch

Honour thy parents, lead thy nation: Turnbull and Shorten play to the family feeling

Malcolm Turnbull’s video and Bill Shorten’s book are underpinned by the same idea: the love their parents had for them, and that in turn imbued them with the right qualities to become prime minister.
Obama’s message while in Vietnam and Japan may be twofold. REUTERS

Obama’s trip to Vietnam and Japan isn’t just a friendly visit

Beneath the usual pomp and circumstance of Obama’s weeklong visit to Asia lies a clear message for aggressors in the region. An East Asia expert from UC Berkeley reads between the lines.
Native Americans have struggled for recognition of the violence done to them through colonisation and the persistent harms of settler colonialism. EPA/Mike Nelson

Indigenous reconciliation in the US shows how sovereignty and constitutional recognition work together

Despite significant shortcomings in the negotiation, content and honouring of treaties, they continue to define the nature of the relationship between most Native Americans and the United States.

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