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Articles on Catholic church

Displaying 141 - 160 of 256 articles

The abyss of hell. Sandro Botticelli.

What is hell?

The meaning of hell might have changed over the centuries, but for devout Christians it remains a core part of their faith.
Immaculate Heart College Art Department c. 1955. Photograph by Fred Swartz. Image courtesy of the Corita Art Center, Immaculate Heart Community, Los Angeles.

How a group of California nuns challenged the Catholic Church

In the ‘60s, a Roman Catholic religious order, the Immaculate Heart Sisters, created a new vision of a religious community. Meghan Markle, engaged to Prince Harry, attended the high school founded by the nuns.
Dimitris Xygalatas

Are religious people more moral?

All the world’s major religions are concerned with moral behavior. But research shows little evidence that religious people are more ethical than atheists.
Archbishop of Granada Francisco Javier Martinez and priests prostrate in front of the altar to seek pardon for sexual abuse in the Church at the cathedral in Granada, southern Spain, Nov. 23, 2014. Pepe Marin/Reuters

How the Catholic Church’s hierarchy makes it difficult to punish sexual abusers

The hierarchy of the Catholic Church requires nearly absolute obedience. This makes it difficult to speak up against superiors. And by the same token, superiors too can protect offending priests.

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