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Articles on Catholic church

Displaying 161 - 180 of 256 articles

A bison on its way in the Bialowieza forest in Poland. By Herr stahlhoefer - Own work, Public Domain,

Do passages in the Bible justify cutting down forests?

In countries that identify predominantly as Christian, scripture and its interpretations carry serious sociopolitical weight.
A woman waits behind a Cuban flag for the arrival of Fidel Castro’s funeral procession in Esperanza, Cuba. AP Photos/Natacha Pisarenko

Religion shapes Cuba despite Castro’s influence

Under Fidel Castro, Cuba declared itself as an atheist state. Castro’s relationship with religion, however, was far more complex. It left a deep impact on the religious identity of Cuba.
A year after Pope Francis called for action to protect the environment, Australian Catholic groups have announced plans to divest from fossil fuels. AAP Image/Newzulu/Fabrizio Belluschi

Catholic church starts small but is clearly thinking big on fossil fuel divestment

A year ago Pope Francis called for better protection for the environment. Now Catholic institutions look poised for widespread divestment from fossil fuels.
With attendance at mass continuing to flag, the Catholic bishops’ influence has waned with it. Shutterstock

Catholic bishops speak out – but is anyone listening?

The Catholic bishops have exhorted Australians to cast a “vote for the voiceless”, but it is doubtful that their plea will be paid much heed – by politicians or the public.
Pope Francis exhorts the faithful to accompany each other on their life journey, and help each other be free in love. Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi

Pope Francis and The Joy of Love in a merciful church

In his new exhortation, Pope Francis issues the Catholic Church and its followers a bold challenge: to live God’s mercy more authentically.

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