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Articles on Inequality

Displaying 641 - 660 of 1026 articles

Social researcher Hugh Mackay and The Conversation’s FactCheck Editor Lucinda Beaman.

Speaking with: social researcher and author Hugh Mackay on 2017, ‘a really disturbing year’

Speaking with: Hugh Mackay on 2017, ‘a really disturbing year’ CC BY-ND81.5 MB (download)
Author and social researcher Hugh Mackay says fragmentation was among the key themes of 2017 – but he has some concrete suggestions on how we can do better in 2018.
There is a glaring need to reform Australia’s archaic wealth inequality statistics to make them commensurate with international practice.

Bad data collection means we don’t know how much the middle class is being squeezed by the wealthy

The squeeze on wealth in the middle class by those at the top is a long established trend in international inequality data. But the ABS doesn’t provide this information.
Only 5 percent of agricultural workers in Mexico are white, while almost 30 percent of white-collar workers are. That’s just one stat confirming that, yes, racism exists in Mexico, too. Carlos Jasso/Reuters

Study reveals racial inequality in Mexico, disproving its ‘race-blind’ rhetoric

Mexico may celebrate its mixed-race heritage, but a new study shows that racism is powerful there. Darker-skinned Mexicans earn less and finish fewer years of schooling than white citizens.
Biblical principles have provided an understanding on how to help the needy. Lamppost Collective/

Taxing the rich to help the poor? Here’s what the Bible says

New economic realities have raised new challenges in applying Biblical principles to economic life. But they could still provide guidance on how to help those in need and how to levy taxes.
Unless governments tackle the housing affordability crisis, the poorest Australians will fall further behind. AAP

Three charts on: poorer Australians bearing the brunt of rising housing costs

Rising housing costs are hurting low-income Australians the most. The gap in home ownership between rich and poor is widening, house prices are rising fastest at the bottom and rental stress is rising.
French President Emmanuel Macron during his visit to French counter-terrorism forces in northern Mali, in May. EPA/Christophe Petit Tesson

What drives instability in Africa and what can be done about it

Some African countries present a facade of democracy. The absence of substantive democracy is contributing to instability on the continent.
Humanoid robots at an international robotics competition in Tehran, Iran, during 2014. Students from 22 countries, including Canada, were competing during the three-day event. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)

In a time of robots, educators must invest in emotional labour

In their relentless pursuit of research commercialization, and bigger robots, universities might miss the real opportunity of technology - to make our world a better place.
Breezy Point, New York off the coast of Long Island after the storm surge from Superstorm Sandy. AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

Storms hit poorer people harder, from Superstorm Sandy to Hurricane Maria

Five years after Superstorm Sandy, we see how disadvantaged social groups suffered more from the storm before and after – much as we’re seeing in Hurricanes Harvey and Maria.

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