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Articles on International relations

Displaying 81 - 100 of 250 articles

Perot become a household name after making an independent run for president in 1992. AP Photo/Doug Mills

The ‘giant sucking sound’ of NAFTA: Ross Perot was ridiculed as alarmist in 1992 but his warning turned out to be prescient

As the US prepares to replace NAFTA, a labor scholar who was critical of Perot but shared concerns about the deal revisits the claim that helped him become the most successful third-party candidate since Teddy Roosevelt.
Just another American abroad. AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko

No, Americans shouldn’t fear traveling abroad

If headlines about bombings and airplane crashes are making you rethink your international travel plans this summer, a look at how many Americans actually die abroad should set your mind at ease.
A board for the Prussian wargame of ‘Kriegsspiel.’ Matthew Kirschenbaum/Wikimedia Commons

War games shed light on real-world strategies

War games let you test your political and military acumen right at your kitchen table – while also helping you appreciate how decision-makers are limited by the choices of others.
Journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a 2014 press conference in Bahrain. AP/Hasan Jamali

Why Jamal Khashoggi’s murder took place in a consulate

Jamal Khashoggi’s brutal murder happened at a consulate, a space not subject to the laws of the host country, Turkey. That means the alleged murderers did not fear interference by local authorities.

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