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Articles on Kenya

Displaying 241 - 260 of 987 articles

Students at a primary school in Nairobi, Kenya, queue to have their temperature taken when public schools fully reopened on 4 January 2021. Gordwin Odhiambo/AFP via Getty Images

Deeper divide: what Kenya’s pandemic school closures left in their wake

Despite government efforts to provide digital resources for students kept out of school for most of 2020, access to these platforms was deeply unequal
Fishermen weigh a basket full of fish off the Indian ocean’s archipelago of Lamu on Kenya’s coast. Tony Karumba/AFP via Getty Images

How COVID affected markets and livelihoods in Kenya’s fisheries sector

COVID-19 greatly disrupted local market dynamics at landing sites, within the communities, and connections to more distant markets.
Women line up to collect water in their buckets in the informal settlement of Kibera in Nairobi. Photo by Wendy Stone/Corbis via Getty Images

A deep data dive reveals extent of unequal water provision in Nairobi

The manner in which people access water differs according to income. People in high- and middle- income areas tend to have piped connections in their homes.

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