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Articles on Language

Displaying 481 - 500 of 720 articles

The languages children learn in school might not be the most useful for their future. from

What languages should children be learning to get ahead?

There is usually a historical reason why schools teach certain languages. But as new economies emerge, such languages may no longer be the best ones to learn.
The most expensive punctuation in the world… Gayle Dee/Flickr

Grammarians rejoice in the $10 million comma

A badly written law cost a US company US$10 million, when a judge ruled that a comma missing from a statute meant 75 truck drivers were owed four years of unpaid overtime wages.
Children at school in Mali, which is among the countries that’s prioritised mother tongue education. United Nations Photo/Flickr

Lessons from Africa prove the incredible value of mother tongue learning

Over the years, our understanding of how language and learning are linked has shifted and changed. There is ample evidence about the value of mother-tongue-based multilingual education.
Children around the world are susceptible to stereotypes. World Bank Photo Collection

Combatting stereotypes: How to talk to your children

For young children, how we speak is often more important than what we say. Even ‘positive’ generalizations can lead children to adopt negative stereotypes.
What is it that gives us a voice? Shutterstock/Sergey Nivens

Explainer: Why the human voice is so versatile

We humans are capable of vocalising many different words in a range of languages. But what is it that gives us a remakable and variable voice?

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