The rape and murder of a medical trainee in a hospital in Kolkata, India has sparked a string of nation-wide protests on the eve of India’s 78th anniversary of Independence from British occupation.
A study found that mock jurors endorsing several rape myths rated the victim’s testimony more truthful if they reported the sexual assault immediately, compared to delayed reporting.
‘Baby Reindeer’ raises questions about the effectiveness of content warnings. Viewers may still be vulnerable to secondary trauma, particularly those who have experienced similar violence.
The 1994 Rwanda genocide has left lasting scars. Children born of sexual violence and mothers have shown immense strength in overcoming their histories of violence.
Governance failure and location of schools around large expanses of unprotected forest zones make school children easy targets for bandits in Nigeria’s north-west.
The inquiry into justice responses to sexual violence is taking a holistic approach, which is a welcome step in the right direction. But there’s still elements missing from the terms of reference.
Sexual violence can be used as a weapon of war. Hamas’ use of sexual violence was likely meant to show its power over Israeli women and girls and to humiliate Israeli men and Israel’s military.
Too often, sexual violence from an intimate partner is not taken seriously. New research shows the impact this can have on victim survivors, and how it can be redressed.
In the 10 years since the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act took effect, the measure appears to have had a greater effect on knowledge about sexual assault than on prevention.