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Articles on Renewable energy

Displaying 561 - 580 of 1306 articles

Prime Minister Scott Morrison (right) and Energy Minister Angus Taylor at Snowy Hydro Scheme. The Grattan Institute says the government should better encourage investment rather than build electricity infrastructure. LUKAS COCH/AAP

Governments took the hard road on clean energy – and consumers are feeling the bumps

Australia’s entire coal fleet will retire in the next few decades. The federal government’s response to the Hazelwood coal plant closure has left a mess – it must do better.
Large scale wind farms are driving Australia’s renewable energy generation. AAP Image/Supplied by CWP Renewables

Australia is the runaway global leader in building new renewable energy

Australia is installing renewable energy at more than ten times the global average. This is excellent news, but raises serious questions about integrating this electricity into our grids.
The Opal nuclear research reactor at Lucas Heights in Sydney. It does not produce nuclear energy but is used to produce medical radioisotopes and for other purposes. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Nuclear power should be allowed in Australia – but only with a carbon price

The state of Australia’s energy and climate change policy is reason to despair. But there may be a nuclear solution that keeps both sides happy.
An all-renewable grid will mean more electricity and more transmission lines. Russ Allison Loar/flickr

How to have an all-renewable electric grid

We have all the technologies needed to make the electric grid run on renewables and lower pollution. What are they and what are the barriers to adopting them widely?
In the absence of federal policy, states are pursing their own renewable targets. Karsten Würth/Unsplash

We need a national renewables approach, or some states – like NSW – will miss out

State renewable energy targets have been driving energy investment in Australia. ‘Where and when’ the generation and transmission build occurs varies substantially under a national approach.
Artist Albert Robida imagined in 1882 how air travel might look in future. Everett Historical/Shutterstock

How will we travel the world in 2050?

More than a century since humans learned to fly, we need to revolutionise how we stay up there.

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