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Articles on Slavery

Displaying 341 - 359 of 359 articles

Watching us, watching her: Exhibit B challenges audiences by recreating racism. Sofie Knijff/Third World Bunfight

Exhibit B puts people on display for Edinburgh International Festival

This year the Edinburgh International Festival is featuring Brett Bailey’s performance piece Exhibit B. Exhibit B presents thirteen living pictures, created with local African residents and asylum seekers…
Voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility - because retailers care. Tim Ireland/PA Wire

Business-friendly Slavery Bill puts profit before human rights

After years of campaigning and lobbying, several evidence reviews, a draft government Bill (last September), and pre-legislative scrutiny from a joint select committee of peers and MPs, the UK government…
The slave trade may have been abolished but the job isn’t done yet. stringberd

Time to kick off the UK debate on slavery reparations

Should the descendants of slaves receive compensatory payment? This idea has returned to the US since the publication of a major essay in The Atlantic setting out the case for reparations. Here in the…
Boko Haram’s recent kidnapping of hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Africa’s slavery crisis. EPA/Ruth McDowall

Behind the Boko Haram headlines, slavery in Africa is the real crisis

The mass kidnapping of schoolgirls by terrorist group Boko Haram in Nigeria is neither a new nor rare occurrence, though this does not make it any less shocking. Boko Haram has been active in Nigeria for…
Children who were rescued from working as bonded labour stage a protest against slavery in New Delhi, India. EPA

Taking on modern slavery and the challenge of making it history

In the late 18th century, a small band of British Quakers and other humanitarian-minded folk began to build the case against the slave trade. Britain’s supremacy in maritime power and technology meant…
Lupita Nyong'o and Alfre Woodard star in Steve McQueen’s new biopic. Chris Pizzello/AP

A life more terrible: the women of 12 Years a Slave

The United States was in the middle of a civil war 150 years ago and, while Abraham Lincoln had just issued the emancipation proclamation, it would still be another 18 months until freedom finally came…
Responses to violence through human trafficking and slavery demand a multifaceted approach including governments, according to a new report. shutterstock

Cracking down on slavery and human trafficking in NSW

The NSW Community Relations Commission today released a report which found the NSW government is failing to adequately acknowledge or respond to reports of human trafficking and slavery. While many in…
Not-so-great wall: Maoism was alive and well in 1970s London. EarthOwned

Inside the paranoid Maoist cults of 1970s Britain

The couple accused in the case of alleged “domestic slavery” in London were reportedly the leaders of a tiny Maoist sect, the Workers’ Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, which had gone “underground…
Thousands of people are in domestic servitude in the UK, and many are migrants. Photographer: Evil Erin

To end domestic servitude, first fix immigration policy

Details are still emerging in the case of three women who claim to have been held as slaves for three decades in a suburban house in London. The Metropolitan police have stated that a 69-year-old Malaysian…
Slaves confront slavers in former colony of Demerara. Joshua Bryant, 1823

Caribbean nations in payback campaign for slave trade

Caribbean countries are calling upon former European colonisers to engage them in dialogue for reparation for centuries of slavery and genocide. Members of Caricom, the organisation of Caribbean Community…
Rapper Kanye West’s new album Yeezus reflects on race and discrimination in present day America. EPA/Ferdy Damman

Yeezus saves: Kanye West, hip hop and the language of slavery

This month, rapper Kanye West’s highly anticipated new album Yeezus was released at perhaps one of the coolest launch events ever. His latest single New Slaves was simultaneously featured on 66 screens…
Compassionate people tend to care about other humans and animals, but our linked welfare goes beyond that. Bungalow.Brian/Flickr

Why human suffering and animal welfare are the one issue

This week we were again warned by the UK’s Chief Medical Officer that we are rapidly approaching a time when antibiotics will be largely ineffective. We are at risk of returning to a pre-antibiotic age…
Forced labour includes cases where people are told they must work for free to repay ‘debts’. Anti-Slavery Australia

New laws clamp down on forced labour and forced marriage

New legal amendments passed by the Australian parliament today will make forced marriages a criminal offence and make it easier for victims in slavery, forced labour and forced marriage trials to be compensated…
Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” set in the context of slavery, depicts stark racial stereotypes. AAP/ Facundo Arrizabalaga

How Quentin Tarantino unchained Django (and historical facts)

This year, America will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, a presidential decree that effectively abolished slavery in all states in rebellion during the Civil…

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