With officers being hit by illness, arrests have dropped during the coronavirus crisis. Meanwhile crime rates have remained static, or even fallen. Is it time to rethink policing?
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg apologized for his city’s ‘stop-and-frisk’ police strategy. Two criminologists argue it isn’t necessarily inherently racist – though New York’s program was.
In 1967 race riots nearly tore Detroit apart. The next year, the Kerner Commission, appointed by president Lyndon Johnson, placed the blame on the way the police and had handled the response.
Efforts to keep the city segregated led to one of the largest civil rights rebellions of the 1960s, and interactions between citizens and police turned deadly.
Official records on police homicides are full of holes. A new study tries to fill in the gaps – and finds new evidence of racial and regional inequality.
Does it make sense to compare the percentage of black Americans shot by police to the percentage of black Americans in the population? A new analysis suggests a different way of looking at the data.
Scholarship in organizational psychology has shown that when employee morale is low, it can result in poorer performance. A new study finds this may be true for some police officers.
The demise of the first academic department dedicated to policing at the University of California has left unanswered questions about the best way to educate cops.
Deryn Strange, John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Kristyn Jones, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
The use of bodycams promised to settle disputes about what really happens in police interactions with civilians. But they might not, because of both human and technological limitations.
The city’s image as a model for black mobility and civil rights is crumbling. An expert on race and class politics takes us behind the veneer of one of the South’s most important cities.
The FBI and police officials say they need to decrypt secure communications to fight crime. But they have other options, and modern threats make clear the importance of strong encryption.