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Articles on Youth

Displaying 201 - 220 of 318 articles

The death threat looms large over Indonesian youth as their rate of smoking is high.

Protecting young Indonesian hearts from tobacco

Indonesia has the region’s highest rate of smoking among youths – one in five between the ages of 13 and 15 smoke. What should the government should do to stop youth from smoking?
Many associate entrepreneurship with youth – like Mark Zuckerberg, who famously started Facebook as a student at Harvard. AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File

Most successful entrepreneurs are older than you think

Most people think of entrepreneurship as a young person’s game. But the highest-growth firms in the US come from entrepreneurs who are 45 years old.
Blood has always been a symbol of life and has been thought to counteract the ageing process. Mai Lam/The Conversation NY-BD-CC

Young blood: magic or medicine?

Recent scientific studies have claimed that transfusions of blood from teenagers can help delay or reverse the ageing process. Do they stack up?
Indigenous, LGBT, Black and refugee youth are among the groups that are at a greater risk of cyberbullying than others. But youth can also be powerful agents of change. Clarke Sanders/Unsplash

Don’t be a bystander: Five steps to fight cyberbullying

Cyberbullying has become destructive and feels unstoppable. Here is a five-step technique for dealing with it.
Each year the government runs a A$40 billion deficit, it increases the lifetime tax burden for households headed by a person aged 25 to 34 by A$10,000. Lukas Coch/AAP

Young Australians will wear the costs of Turnbull’s middle income tax cut

Unless the government is willing to increase taxes elsewhere to pay for tax cuts there will be longer-term costs for the budget and the economy. And younger Australians will wear these costs.
Thirsty? Perhaps a cool glass of lemonade would hit the spot.

What comes after the lemonade stand? Fuelling self‑efficacy and intentions in our next generation of entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is a matter of society. Schools should be engaged to coach students, starting at an early age, by working on their perception of self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention.
Research shows young people are passionate about issues like marriage equality, but many do not understand how governments are formed and prime ministers elected. Shutterstock

Young Australians are engaged in political issues, but unsure how democracy works

Young people have a poor understanding of Australian democracy, which must be redressed by the education system if they are to become full citizens.
The default position in social and political theory is to disregard children altogether, or to consider them as learner-citizens. AAP/Lucy Hughes Jones

Giving voice to the young: survey shows people want under-18s involved in politics

When children and young people have opportunities for active citizenship, they demonstrate a wide range of ways of contributing to their communities.
There are benefits to sport participation, and it is important for parents to be aware of concussion risks, how to avoid them, and the signs when they may have occurred. (Shutterstock)

How to avoid, recognize and treat concussion in sports

As students return to school and prepare to join sports teams, here’s what they and their parents need to know about concussions.

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