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Health – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 8126 - 8140 of 8140 articles

NGOs, public health associations and consumer organisations disagree with industry groups about the most useful system for labelling our foods.

Food industry digs in heels over traffic light labels

The fight over how to label our food has never been more intense. On one side of the argument we have public health associations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and consumer groups looking for effective…
The stress a mother experiences during birth can lead to interventions such as caesareans.. Salim Fadhley/flickr

Hospital birth units make stress-heads out of mums

More than 200,000 Australian women give birth in hospital every year, but very few give much thought to the room in which they will do it. Imagine a woman’s surprise when they walk in to discover that…
Ten minutes of sunlight each day can be enough to boost vitamin D stores. AAP

Putting some D in your day

Vitamin D is all the rage at the moment. Everyone is measuring it and no one, it seems, is getting enough of it. Of course, Vitamin D is not really a vitamin because dietary intake is usually not required…
Technical myopia - sometimes experts fail to see the bigger picture. National Institutes of Health via Wikimedia Commons

Don’t trust me, I’m an expert

In 2002 when I visited Santa Barbara, I went to a grocery store called Trader Joe’s. It had its own line in milk. Trader Joe’s Vitamin D Milk (Grade A, pasteurized, homogenized) had some ‘nutrition facts…
Hand held radiation monitors don’t detect inhaled plutonium particles which can lodge in the lung and cause long term damage. AAP

Just in case you missed it, here’s why radiation is a health hazard

The March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan and complicating nuclear crisis throw into sharp focus concerns about exposure to ionising radiation. What is it, how is it harmful, how much is too much? Inside…
Plentiful food and good health don’t always lead to increased stature. patriziasoliani

The end of the great Australian growth spurt

Over the past century most generations have grown a little taller than the last. Believing this growth was a result of improved nutrition and better health care, we have been proud of this greater stature…
You can achieve a healthy weight gain during pregnancy by eating healthily and being physically active. TuttleTree

Why it’s a bad idea to eat for two during pregnancy

In the past, women have often been told they should eat for two during pregnancy. This old adage is not true anymore, especially if women are overweight or obese when starting their pregnancy. Restricting…
The life expectancy gained from cycling to work outweighs the risks of ill health from pollution and injury.

Ditching bike helmets laws better for health

With epidemics of diabetes and obesity threatening to bankrupt state health budgets, governments need to broaden their strategies to encourage physical activity. Allowing cyclists to ride without a helmet…
Current regulations do not require dummies to be placed in the rear seat during crash tests. AAP

Protecting people in cars: are we forgetting the back seat?

Since the introduction of the seatbelt into motor vehicles over 40 years ago, there have been major gains in protection to occupants in automotive crashes. This progress has not been observed in the rear…
Attitudes from a past era shouldn’t restrict access to modern psychosurgical treatments. Liz Henry

It’s time to get over the stigma of psychiatric surgery

Psychosurgery’s troubled history of lobotomies and unregulated procedures has left modern psychiatry with strict regulations. But now, legislation designed to protect patients is actually denying those…
Both major parties in the NSW election campaign have pledged to increase spending on hospitals. AAP/Paul Miller

State of NSW: What next for patients suffering health reform fatigue?

The debate about health in the lead-up to the Saturday March 26 NSW election has been unusually civilised and intelligent. The main contestants – the current minister, Carmel Tebbutt, and shadow minister…