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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 401 - 425 of 1542 articles

In this budget, it was vital for the government that it be seen to be fair dinkum about fiscal repair. Lukas Coch/AAP

Government pitches tax ‘relief’ in election-focused budget

The three part plan is the centrepiece of Tuesday night’s budget, which also brings forward by a year the forecast return to surplus and the peak of Australia’s net debt.
In Israel, a petition against live sheep shipments has been signed by 60 leading rabbis. Mark Brake/AAP

Stop the sheep trade in the northern summer, veterinarians say

The submission recommends an increase in the space allocation for each animal of at least 30% for sheep weighing 40-60 kilograms – the weight range of the typical sheep sent to the Middle East.
Shadow agriculture minister Joel Fitzgibbon said farmers could actually benefit from the end of live sheep exports. Lukas Coch/AAP

The ALP promises to phase out live sheep export

The undertaking represents another stage in the toughening of Labor policy on the issue. The opposition had a bipartisan approach a few weeks ago.
Lieutenant general Angus Campbell Campbell has issued an order banning death symbols, such as the pirate skull and crossbones, the phantom or punisher symbols, and spartans and the grim reaper. AAP/Andrew Taylor

Banning soldiers displaying death symbols is about the right military mindset, not political correctness

A new directive from the army chief banning death symbols has earned him harsh criticism, but his view is more about respect for the gravity of solders’ tasks than political correctness.
Former drug and alcohol doctor Di Natale says the ‘tough on drugs’ approach causes enormous harm. Lukas Coch/AAP

Greens want cannabis to be made legal

Dealing with cannabis is basically a state matter but the Greens propose an Australian Cannabis Agency be set up to bring together state and territory governments, experts and regulators.
In his role overseeing Operation Sovereign Borders, Campbell was known for his tight lips in face of questions, often ruling them out as “on water” matters. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Angus Campbell to head Australian Defence Force

Campbell replaces the present chief, Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin, 58, who will retire from the ADF.
Abbott is “pollie pedalling” in the Latrobe Valley, making sure he is best placed to exploit Turnbull’s pain over the Newspoll and his difficulty with the energy issue. Luke Ascui/AAP

Government loses 30th consecutive Newspoll, despite slight improvement

The Coalition trails 48-52%, compared with 47-53% a fortnight ago. The Australian reports it is only the second time since April last year that the government has come
Clive Hamilton paints a picture of China’s unrelenting determination not only to control those within the country, but also to dominate the world using whatever means at its disposal. AAP/Wang Zhou

Book review – Clive Hamilton’s Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia

Clive Hamilton’s book is perhaps a useful reminder that we must not be naïve about our relationship with China, but his prescription is the wrong direction for tackling the genuine issues he raises.