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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 576 - 600 of 1544 articles

Yassmin Abdel-Magied has ‘apologised profusely to [Julie Bishop] and the Australian government’ for a controversial Facebook post.

Julie Bishop keeps Abdel-Magied on Australian-Arab board

Julie Bishop has refused to sack Yassmin Abdel-Magied from the board of the Council for Australian-Arab Relations, resisting pressure from some in government ranks.
Scott Morrison is digging in behind the government’s changes to the way schools are funded. AAP/Lukas Coch

Catholics vow to go hard in schools fight with government

Scott Morrison has a lot on his plate ahead of Tuesday night’s federal budget, including Catholic schools unhappy at how the school funding changes will affect them.
In his statement Tony Nutt acknowledged, without going into specifics, that criticism was made of the last campaign. Lukas Coch/AAP

Liberal director Tony Nutt quits

Liberal Party federal director Tony Nutt has announced his resignation, ahead of the party’s federal executive reviewing the lessons from the 2016 election campaign.
Alexander Downer’s term as high commissioner is formally up in May. Katia Christodoulou/AAP

Turnbull delays London appointment

Malcolm Turnbull is believed to have deferred the appointment of a new high commissioner to the UK until at least the end of this year.
There is concern among some Liberals that the 18C issue will lose them votes in seats with large ethnic communities. Sam Mooy/AAP

Section 18C change appears doomed in Senate

Malcolm Turnbull has announced a watering down of the controversial Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.
Pauline Hanson told the ABC she advised people to ‘go out and do their own research’ on the question of vaccination. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Turnbull rounds on Pauline Hanson

Malcolm Turnbull has slammed Pauline Hanson’s views on vaccination.
Indonesia President Joko Widodo speaks as Malcolm Turnbull looks on during a media conference in the gardens of Kirribilli House on Sunday. David Moir/AAP

Coalition trails 45-55% and Turnbull’s ratings sink in Newspoll

A disastrous Newspoll showing the Coalition trailing Labor 45-55%, One Nation gaining ground and Malcolm Turnbull’s ratings falling will fuel the alarm and anger in the Coalition.
ACTU president Ged Kearney called on Malcolm Turnbull ‘to stand up for workers in this country, to actually change the laws to protect people’s pay’. Alex Murray/AAP

Sunday penalty rates cut opens new fight between government and opposition

Hospitality, fast food, retail and pharmacy workers stand to lose thousands of dollars per year after the Fair Work Commission’s landmark decision to cut penalty rates on Sundays and public holidays.