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Displaying 701 - 725 of 1544 articles

Scott Morrison has indicated he does not support the government nominating Kevin Rudd for the UN secretary-general job. David Moir/AAP

Morrison flags opposition to nominating Rudd for UN post

Scott Morrison has set himself in apparent opposition to Julie Bishop over Australia’s nomination of Kevin Rudd as a candidate for secretary-general of the United Nations.
The federal parliamentary left is set to dump Kim Carr, who has been spokesman on higher education and industry. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Bitter row over move to dump Kim Carr from Labor frontbench

A brawl over Labor’s frontbench reshuffle deepened on Wednesday night when the Victorian Socialist Left executive dug in behind embattled senator Kim Carr.
Barnaby Joyce was in acute pain on Tuesday when he was in Canberra for the Nationals’ post-election meeting. Andrew Taylor/AAP

Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce injured by sheep

Barnaby Joyce’s talks with Malcolm Turnbull to discuss the new Coalition ministry were up in the air on Tuesday night after he suddenly returned to his Tamworth home to nurse an injured knee.
Malcolm Turnbull said there would be some changes in the ministry because of frontbenchers losing their seats. Paul Millar/AAP

Turnbull celebrates victory after Shorten concedes defeat

More than a week after the election, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has formally conceded defeat, quickly followed by Malcolm Turnbull welcoming the Coalition’s victory.
Malcolm Turnbull said he remained ‘quietly confident, reasonably confident’ of forming a majority government. David Moir/AAP

We must convince people we believe in Medicare: Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull has taken ‘absolutely full responsibility’ for his criticised election campaign, and declared the Coalition must rebuild public trust in itself on the issue of Medicare.
A Galaxy poll published in the Sunday Telegraph suggested Bill Shorten would have been elected with a large majority if up against Tony Abbott. Tony Abbott/Facebook

Abbott would have lost ‘resoundingly’: Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull has said that if he had not become leader, the Coalition would have lost this election ‘very resoundingly’ under Tony Abbott.
Malcolm Turnbull said the shockwaves of the past 48 hours were a sharp reminder of the volatility in the global economy. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Malcolm Turnbull: don’t risk change or protest

Malcolm Turnbull has warned voters of the need for stable government in uncertain times, in a pitch to counter Labor’s fear campaign and the temptation for electors to lodge a protest vote.