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Articles on Health economics

Displaying 221 - 240 of 242 articles

We need a more rational debate about how and where we spend our finite health budget. Image from

Explainer: what is health rationing?

HEALTH RATIONING – a series which examines Australia’s rising health costs and the tough decisions governments must make to rein them it. Any mention of the “R” word in health care immediately brings to…
The biggest and fastest-growing spending category in health is hospitals. Image from

Tough choices: how to rein in Australia’s rising health bill

With health costs rising and costly medical innovations on the horizon, it’s crunch time for health funding. In the lead up to the May budget, The Conversation’s experts will explore the options for reining…
The broad economics of the scheme and the fine details of its implementation remain unclear. Image from

We have an NDIS but what does this mean for disability care?

While the Labor party’s misguided leadership coup hogged the limelight last Thursday, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Bill passed through parliament. The government also announced the name…
There’s no reason the Australian taxpayer should pay such high prices for medicines when our overseas cousins don’t. Image from

Fixing Australia’s bad drug deal could save $1.3 billion a year

The Commonwealth could save A$1.3 billion each year by reforming the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), according to a report released today by the Grattan Institute. The report, Australia’s bad drug…

Murdered academics fondly remembered

Two university scholars murdered in Tasmania have been mourned by their colleagues, the academics union has said. Dr Gavin Mooney, 69, a health economist at Curtin University and his partner, Dr Delys…
It’s time to rethink Australia’s specialist-driven health workforce and rise to the challenge of chronic disease management. Hands image from

Hike in health costs should prompt workforce rethink

Data released recently by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows the nation’s health care bill is rising rapidly, from $77.5 billion in 2000-2001 to $130 billion in 2010-11. The largest increases…
Health services are ripe for evidence-based reform.

Six easy ways to improve health services

Each year $120 billion is spent on health services in Australia. But hardly any research is done to investigate whether this money is being used wisely. Only 2.8% of the funding for NHMRC project grants…
Aged-care residents are among the most vulnerable in our society, with many reliant on pensions. Kariobinja/Flickr

It’s complicated: why aged-care funding is still a problem

Recent media reports have highlighted an anomaly in residential aged-care funding in Australia: that day-to-day operations of facilities are governed by both Commonwealth and state government policies…
The package should reduce waiting times for people who are eligible for publicly-funded dental care. Luke Siemens

The $4b dental care program will tackle inequity but funding still in question

Since the government announced its $4 billion dental care program, attention has focused on how it will be funded and whether it is affordable. But if and when it is funded and implemented, the package…
The poor suffer the greatest burden of disease but are less able to deal with the costs. Brooks Elliott

Next steps in health care reform

Australia is facing an epidemic of chronic lifestyle-related diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and chronic lung disease. We have many treatments for these that aren’t necessarily…
At the end of the four years, only 5% of Australians with a disability will be covered. Flickr/afri

NDIS funding a start but limited trial means a long wait for most

Last night’s budget contained an important step towards realising a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), with $1bn allocated over the next four years. Of these funds, $342.5 million will pay for…
We need to rethink our aged care workforce and funding for dementia patients. Alex E Proimos

Improving care for dementia patients in our ailing aged care system

Last week, Alzheimer’s Australia released a report that was highly critical of the way Australia’s aged care sector responds to the needs of dementia suffers and their families. It’s an issue that demands…
Plain packaging is one of many health reforms to enter or pass through parliament last week. AAP

Plain packaging wraps up a big year for health legislation in 2011

The final sitting of federal parliament last week lacked no drama, ending with the sudden induction of Peter Slipper as speaker. It was also a mammoth week for health legislation, with the passing of the…
Preventive health is the the biggest loser in the health deal. AAP

Can we now close the book on health reform? Not quite

The deal’s been done and health reform is in the bag. It may not be quite as bold as originally planned by then prime minister Rudd – there’s even been a fair amount of watering down on Julia Gillard’s…

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