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Todos os artigos de Data mining

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Platforms like Zoom have been helpful in bridging geographical distances. However, a recent proposal to mine data raises questions about ownership of Indigenous Knowledge. (Chris Montgomery/Unsplash)

Zoom’s scrapped proposal to mine user data causes concern about our virtual and private Indigenous Knowledge

In-person collaboration between Indigenous communities has been aided by information technologies like Zoom. However, recent attempts to mine personal data raise concerns about data ownership.
Going online often involves surrendering some privacy, and many people are becoming resigned to the fact that their data will be collected and used without their explicit consent. (Shutterstock)

Protecting privacy online begins with tackling ‘digital resignation’

Many people have become resigned to the fact that tech companies collect our private data. But policymakers must do more to limit the amount of personal information corporations can collect.
Images of students on school Facebook pages could fall into the wrong hands. Sol de Zuasnabar Brebbia/Getty Images

School posts on Facebook could threaten student privacy

When school officials post photos about students on Facebook, they may be inadvertently enabling data mining firms and others to use the information for other purposes, new research has found.
There’s a creeping conformity taking place on the web. Mint Images via Getty Images

Yes, websites really are starting to look more similar

Design bloggers have long had creeping suspicion of a more monolithic web, so a team of researchers decided to analyze the aesthetics of nearly 10,000 websites.
The GDPR should provide better protection of data and benefit the economy. Christian Wiediger/Unsplash

Four flagship measurements of the GDPR for the economy

The General Data Protection Regulations have been in force since May 2018. Analysis of its four key measures: labels, liability obligation, portability and pseudonymisation.

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