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Todos os artigos de Homosexuality

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Rather than there being a single ‘gay gene’, there may be many which contribute to sexual preference. Sasha Kargaltsev/Flickr

Born this way? An evolutionary view of ‘gay genes’

The claim that homosexual men share a “gay gene” created a furore in the 1990s. But new research two decades on supports this claim – and adds another candidate gene. To an evolutionary geneticist, the…
The more the west recognises and protects gay rights, the more African and Asian nations (such as Uganda and India) seem determined to go in the opposite direction. AAP

Should the west be held accountable for gay persecution?

Media coverage of gays and lesbians in 2014 has followed a very different trend to previous years. Rather than good news stories about love and weddings, the majority of reports relate to violence, persecution…
Moving forward in science doesn’t mean moving back in politics. Weeklydig

Gay genetics research still causes irrational fears

Why does a “gay gene” paper still cause a stir? A similar paper on any other topic would probably have passed unnoticed. But this is sex research – where public interest is huge but real funds and real…
Michael Sam (right) just wants to play ball, but his ambitions are affected by how the global sport/entertainment/media complex processes his sexuality. EPA/Chris Lee

Young celebrities and LGBT rights: what would Stuart Hall say?

Any lingering doubts about the political power of popular culture have surely been dispelled in the last couple of weeks. When actor Ellen Page courageously fought tears to come out before a global audience…
“Homos” in Uganda can be “male lesbians” in Nigeria – or not. AP

Sex in Africa is more diverse than gay-or-straight

On 13 January the Nigerian president, Goodluck Jonathan, signed a bill against gay relationships, outlawing gay marriage, public displays of same-sex relationships and membership in gay groups. A few days…
Code-breaking genius Alan Turing was driven to suicide by the criminalisation of homosexuality. Such convictions still haunt many Australians. AAP/Keir David

Saying sorry for governments intruding in your bedroom

It is time for all Australian governments to acknowledge a historic wrong. In doing so they will help to right an injustice and demonstrate a real commitment to respect for all Australians. Earlier this…
Black economy: regulating sex work is easier said than done. Ian Britton

The Scarlet Isle: the politics of male sex work in Ireland

Both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are taking steps towards new regulations for the sex work industry, principally aimed at better protecting victims of coercion and trafficking. However…
Uganda is among 76 countries in the world - and 41 Commonwealth states - that criminalise homosexuality. Should Australia get involved? EPA/Dai Kurokawa.

Decriminalising homosexuality worldwide: should Australia get involved?

In Australia, there is an ongoing debate around the right for same-sex couples to marry. The majority of laws discriminating against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people were repealed in…
In his new book, activist and author Dennis Altman takes a look at how far the global gay liberation movement has come since events such as the Stonewall riots in New York. New York Daily News

The End of the Homosexual?

In a recent speech celebrating 30 years of the Victorian AIDS Council, Adam Carr, one of its founders who went onto pursue a PhD in history, made the point that: …not many people get to make history in…
Prisoners are having sex whether we like it or not and a lack of condoms affects us all. PA/Barry Batchelor

Prisoners have sex so let them have condoms

The idea of prisoners having sex upsets people; it offends our sense that prison is a place of punishment not pleasure. But sex still happens, maybe more than we like to think. And if it is happening…
Campaigns makes clear that homophobia is wrong, but do nothing to affirm that being gay is good. Niv Singer

Anti-homophobia campaigns are linking being gay with misery

Being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex is joyous! Make no mistake, it’s the experience of homophobia and transphobia that can destroy lives and often leads to depression, anxiety and poor…
Ex-gay therapies utilise spiritual methods such as prayer, and a personal relationship with God. Leland Francisco

California’s gay ‘conversion therapy’ ban challenged

A law banning therapists in California from attempting to change the sexual orientation of same-sex attracted youths was tested in the courts this week. At issue were the rights to professional free speech…
A protest outside Exodus International’s 2009 anual conference. Kevin Zolkiewicz

Gay ‘cure’ renounced by world’s largest ‘ex-gay’ group

Alan Chambers, president of the world’s largest “ex-gay” organisation, Exodus International, recently renounced the group’s long-held position that homosexuality can be “cured” – that gay people can become…
Being counted in the census for the first time is a milestone for gay and lesbian couples everywhere. multi.phrenic

Same-sex couples counted in the census … but some stay hidden

AUSTRALIA BY NUMBERS: The Australian Bureau of Statistics has released the first batch of its 2011 census data. We’ve asked some of the country’s top demographers and statisticians to crunch the numbers…
A new study has shown better-than-chance recognition of gay people by participants. Official U.S. Navy Imagery

Our ‘gaydar’ seems to be working well … but why?

In the last few years, several laboratory studies have shown that, to some extent, we can tell whether someone is gay or straight, just by glimpsing their face. When asked to categorise male and female…

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