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Changing climates

Displaying 11 - 20 of 72 articles

David Holmes

James Hansen arrives – at his first ever COP

There is excitement for many at the Paris summit at the arrival of someone Naomi Klein called this week the grandfather of climate science. James Hansen, who is credited with sounding the first alarm on…
Entrance to the climate summit at Le Bourget, Paris. David Holmes

Two days in at COP21 – what has Australia pledged?

The first day of the Paris climate summit was a little different to past summits. For a start, the hosts decided to bring the leaders in as an opener rather than at the end. At first glance this decision…
EPA/Ian Langsdon

A Paris summit for climate and peace?

With so much build-up to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris, the pressure not to fail is as great as it has ever been. This conference of parties (COP) follows the…