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Articles on Biodiversity

Displaying 601 - 620 of 917 articles

The Darling River near Louth NSW, April 2019, in the midst of a drought compounded by upstream irrigation policies. Jaana Dielenberg

As the dust of the election settles, Australia’s wildlife still needs a pathway for recovery

In the event, the federal election turned out to be more about the economy than the environment. But there are steps the Coalition government can take to help conservation and boost the economy too.
Almost 9 in 10 Australians agree we should invest in restoring wildlife habitats and natural places. Klaus/Flickr

How should I vote if I care about preventing the extinction of nature?

Here are the promises and policies of the Coalition, Labor, the Greens, One Nation and more.
Underwater view of waves breaking over a healthy coral reef, reducing wave energy at the shoreline that can cause flooding. Curt Storlazzi, USGS

Coral reefs provide flood protection worth $1.8 billion every year – it’s time to protect them

A new report shows that coral reefs reduce damage from floods across the United States and its trust territories by more than $1.8 billion every year – and pinpoints that value state by state.
Is this dragonfly thriving, or just hanging on? Chris Luczkow/Flickr

Is an ‘insect apocalypse’ happening? How would we know?

Alarm bells went off when several recent studies reported mass insect die-offs in different parts of the world. But reports of an ‘insect apocalypse’ have been greatly exaggerated.

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