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Articles on Business schools

Displaying 21 - 40 of 41 articles

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. WestCoastivieS/Wikimedia

Don’t throw the baby out with the business-school bathwater

In current context of financial uncertainty and political upheaval, it easy to question the purpose and activities of business schools. But before jumping to conclusions, there is a more nuanced story.
Harvard Business School classroom. mleiboff/Flickr

Debate: Do we really need business schools?

Since the financial crisis, business schools have been accused of every evil – inequality, oppression, environmental devastation. So why should management schools be preserved?
Qian Yingyi, Dean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (left) and Ilian Mihov, Dean of INSEAD (right), celebrated the signing of a partnership between the two institutions on June 14, 2016. Insead/Tsinghua SEM

Political shifts in China raise questions about local development of Western business schools

The education of managers and executives is a growing challenge in 21st-century China, but changes in how the country monitors of universities could threaten recent advances.
When the environment and businesses meet, who will make sure one doesn’t suffer at the hands of the other? Lukas / Pexels

US business schools failing on climate change

Though business and industry are significantly contributing to climate change, business schools across the country are not preparing our future leaders for the dramatic shift this planet needs.
The study found business students were concerned about their future employers’ corporate social responsibility. Mays Business School/Flickr

Business students willing to sacrifice future salary for good corporate social responsibility: study

Results from a study of business students show how committed they are when it comes to working for socially responsible companies.
Young entrepreneurs like Nigerian taxi boss Bankole Cardoso (26) want to learn how to do business - but they also want something very different from the traditional, structured MBA. REUTERS/Akintunde Akinleye

What young Africans want from business education programmes

Young, entrepreneurial Africans want more flexibility and values-based learning than they feel is offered by a traditional MBA.
Francesco Botticini’s The Assumption of the Virgin shows the heavenly hierarchies at play.

Modern management’s angelic legacy is stuck in the past

One of the oldest assumptions about organising comes directly from the angels. In the 5th century, the mysterious theologian Pseudo-Dionysius wrote the definitive book on angelic hierarchies, Ecclesiastical…
Advocating greed is good.

The undue influence of US business schools

The latest ranking of business schools has just been released by the Princeton Review and a certain type of business school continues to dominate – American ones. Having earned their reputation over the…
Bunches of case studies on your doorstep. Flower Factor

Business schools should study flower shops, not blue chips

Legend has it that notorious American hold-up man Willie Sutton, who netted an estimated US$2m between the late 1920s and his final arrest in 1952, was once asked why he robbed banks. His reply: “Because…

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