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Associate Professor in Organization Studies, University of Technology Sydney

Natalia Nikolova has a PhD in economic and political sciences (Dr. rer. pol.) from the University of Cologne, Germany. Before joining University of Technology Sydney Business School, she was a visiting researcher at the Australian Graduate School of Management.

Natalia's research interests are quite diverse including organisational practices, strategy and innovation in a range of contexts, such as project-based organisations, management consulting, professional service firms and creative industries. Natalia adopts a multi- and trans-disciplinary approach in her research and teaching. She has published in academic journals and books and her work has been presented and recognised at a number of international conferences. Currently, Natalia is undertaking research projects focusing on distributed/shared leadership, innovation, capability ecosystems, strategy, professional service firms and experiential teaching and learning.

Natalia has worked on a number of projects with industry partners including Second Road, Spencer Stuart, Mercer and the Australian Government Creative Industries Innovation Centre.

Natalia has received awards in research and teaching including a Best Paper Award from the Academy of Management, an Australian Government Learning & Teaching Citation, a UTS Learning & Teaching Award and a UTS Learning & Teaching Citation. She is recognised for designing experiential and work-integrated approaches to learning and teaching creating collaborative learning opportunities for students, academics and industry partners.


  • 2005–present
    Senior lecturer, University of Technology Sydney