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Articles on Obesity

Displaying 101 - 120 of 769 articles

For at least three decades, studies have shown that Latinos have better heart health than other people, but new research calls that into question. The Good Brigade/DigitalVision via Getty Images

No, Latinos don’t actually have less heart disease – a new large study refutes the longstanding ‘Latino paradox’

It has long puzzled researchers why Latinos seem to have lower rates of heart disease than their non-Latino counterparts, even though they have higher risk factors for heart disease.
Researchers are working to tease apart how various alcohol types contribute to weight gain and disease risk. pixhook/E+ via Getty Images

Beer and spirits have more detrimental effects on the waistline and on cardiovascular disease risk than red or white wine

Research has been inconclusive on the degree to which drinking alcohol leads to the growth of harmful fat. But a new study suggests that beer and spirits are far bigger culprits than wine.
Political cartoons and memes have made it clear that if there’s something to agree about on all sides of the political spectrum, its that fat people are an easy target. (Shutterstock)

Mask or no mask: Stop using fat people in political cartoons

Fat people need to be empowered to critique the very groups so willing to instrumentalize their bodies for political gain.
Some studies have demonstrated that a significant number of obese people are metabolically healthy, leading to the contention that one could be healthy at any size. (Julia Kubow)

The baffling case of metabolically healthy obese people: Are they protected from chronic diseases?

Some obese people lack the classic metabolic risk factors of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar linked with obesity. But are they still at risk for heart disease and diabetes?

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