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Articles on Political advertising

Displaying 41 - 52 of 52 articles

Dr Karl shouldn’t be afraid of getting political - as long as he’s doing it for science, not politicians. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Dr Karl didn’t breach ethics, but now he should spruik the science

Dr Karl has been criticised for fronting adverts for a government report he turned out not to agree with. But despite his lapse in judgement, he hasn’t seriously breached his journalistic ethics.
Would there be a place in advertising’s postmodern era for Don Draper? Michael Yarish/AMC

After Mad Men, big money replaced big ideas

The final season concludes in 1969. What happened in the advertising industry over the ensuing decades?
Vote Ed, get an interesting new fashion accessory. Conservative Party

Tories hope attack ads will put the election in their pocket

The news today that Ed Milband has ruled out forming a coalition with the SNP may come too late to limit the impact of the latest Tory attempt to illustrate that the Labour leader is a political lightweight…
The government’s ad spruiking proposed changes to higher education. Is it legal? And if so, should it be? Youtube screen grab

The difference between government advertising and political advertising

The federal government’s recent television advertisement spruiking the benefits of the proposed changes to higher education have raised the ire of not only the opposition but also taxpayers who have reportedly…
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been floated by anonymous sources to journalists as an alternative to Treasurer Joe Hockey. AAP/Alan Porritt

Government can’t get its university changes through parliament but can spend taxpayer dollars promoting them

Among its many problems, the Abbott government is showing distinctly cannibalistic tendencies. It’s not just a matter of the odd leak, which happens in the healthiest of administrations. This is serious…
The new government campaign misses the mark. Australian government

No advantage for Gillard in misguided asylum seeker campaign

With 5,459 attempted boat arrivals to Australia in the first half of 2012, an increase of 894 since last year, it is no wonder the prime minister is desperate to demonstrate she is combating people smuggling…
The Menzies government was voted in with the help of the John Henry Austral ads. National Library of Australia

Liberal Party ads from the 1940s speak today’s political language

After languishing in an archive box at Melbourne University for more than 20 years, an astonishing piece of Australian political history has recently been dusted off and digitised. The university has unearthed…
Kevin Rudd used to manage his brand well, but was toppled after an advertising campaign against him. AAP/YouTube

Democracy is dead, long live political marketing

MEDIA & DEMOCRACY: Today, Andrew Hughes looks at how voters have become consumers of political marketing, as part of The Conversation’s week-long series on how the media influences the way our representatives…
Can political debates be won with a chequebook instead of politicians’ backing? AAP

Hearts and minds: how industry ad campaigns work

The mining industry, led by the Minerals Council of Australia, has written to members asking for funds to under take a new advertising campaign to attack the carbon tax. In his letter to members, Minerals…

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