Located in historic Providence, Rhode Island and founded in 1764, Brown University is the seventh-oldest college in the United States. Brown is an independent, coeducational Ivy League institution comprising undergraduate and graduate programs, plus the Alpert Medical School, School of Public Health, School of Engineering, and the School of Professional Studies.
With its talented and motivated student body and accomplished faculty, Brown is a leading research university that maintains a particular commitment to exceptional undergraduate instruction.
Brown’s vibrant, diverse community consists of 6,400 undergraduates, 2,000 graduate students, 450 medical school students, more than 5,000 summer, visiting, and online students, and over 700 faculty members. Brown students come from all 50 states and more than 100 countries.
L’étude du cycle de l’eau sur Mars est indispensable pour évaluer une potentielle habitabilité de la planète rouge. Une toute nouvelle étude rebat les cartes.
Studying the water cycle on Mars is essential for assessing its potential habitability, and a new study reveals that significant quantities are present as transient frost on mountain peaks.
Para os judeus, a violência do Hamas contra as crianças lembra o Holocausto. Para os palestinos, a morte de seus filhos pela Força de Defesa de Israel também os faz lembrar de um passado doloroso.
For Jewish people, Hamas’ violence against children was reminiscent of the Holocaust. For Palestinians, The Israel Defense Force’s killing their children reminds them of a painful past, too.
Political mobilization among scientists has been growing in recent years. Two social scientists break down what this looks like and how it represents a culture shift among the scientific community.
Los investigadores han analizado una década de gastos políticos de la industria del petróleo y el gas y de otros sectores implicados en la política climática. Si el dinero habla, una de las partes tiene un megáfono gigante.
Researchers looked at a decade of political spending by the oil and gas industry and others engaged in climate policy. If money talks, one side had a giant megaphone.
Billions of dollars are being spent on tutoring in the US. Will it be enough to help schoolchildren make up for pandemic learning loss? An education economist weighs in.
Climate change is colliding with old factory sites where soil or water contamination still exist, and the most vulnerable populations are particularly at risk.
Some states fund their public colleges based on how well the schools perform on key metrics. New research raises questions about how that affects outcomes for students from different racial groups.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought immunology terms that are typically relegated to textbooks into our everyday vernacular. These stories helped us make sense of the ever-evolving science.
People often try to seem confident and certain in their message so it will be trusted and acted upon. But when information is in flux, research suggests you should be open about what you don’t know.
Sexual harassment and discrimination in gaming and tech are not inevitable or permanent, write experts in the field. The solutions are positive community standards and women in power.
Net price calculators – online tools meant to estimate what students will actually pay for college – can produce varying results for students in similar economic situations, researchers find.