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Brown University

Located in historic Providence, Rhode Island and founded in 1764, Brown University is the seventh-oldest college in the United States. Brown is an independent, coeducational Ivy League institution comprising undergraduate and graduate programs, plus the Alpert Medical School, School of Public Health, School of Engineering, and the School of Professional Studies.

With its talented and motivated student body and accomplished faculty, Brown is a leading research university that maintains a particular commitment to exceptional undergraduate instruction.

Brown’s vibrant, diverse community consists of 6,400 undergraduates, 2,000 graduate students, 450 medical school students, more than 5,000 summer, visiting, and online students, and over 700 faculty members. Brown students come from all 50 states and more than 100 countries.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 65 articles

Visitors mourn at the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan, Armenia. David Mdzinarishvili/Reuters

The 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide

On the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, we asked scholars to reflect on the significance of Armenian insistence on remembering and Turkey’s insistence that the genocide never happened.
President Obama addresses a joint session of Congress in 2009 Lawrence Jackson

Filibusters make for strange bedfellows

When Republicans took over Congress, many observers predicted a goodbye to gridlock. Not so fast, however. Politicians say they hate filibusters – until they want to use them.
Congressman Henry Waxman: relieved to be going after 40 years? Gary Cameron/Reuters

Fond farewell to the ‘babies’ of Watergate

An era has ended. The last of the “Watergate Babies” has left the Congress. The nickname was applied to the class of House Democratic freshmen elected in 1974 in the wake of the Watergate scandal. There…
What difference will President Obama’s executive order make for this family? Sandy Huffaker/Reuters

The president’s executive order: what difference will it make for immigrants?

Editor’s note: On November 20, President Obama announced a plan - through an executive order - to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation if they meet certain criteria. His move has…
Modern day kangaroos exhibit a hopping form of locomotion. Leo/Flickr

Giant kangaroos were more likely to walk than hop

Extinct giant kangaroos may have been built more for walking, rather than hopping like today’s kangaroos, especially when moving slowly. These sthenurine kangaroos existed until around 30,000 years ago…
If only it didn’t stink. Don Bradshaw and NTV

What do you do with a whale that won’t explode?

The residents of Trout River in Newfoundland, Canada have a stinking whale of a problem. What to do with the 81-feet-carcass of Balaenoptera musculus on their shore? While such an occurrence is not uncommon…


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