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Articles on Schools

Displaying 381 - 400 of 818 articles

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has announced he will amend laws that allow schools to expel gay students. Joel Carrett/AAP

There’s no argument or support for allowing schools to discriminate against LGBTIQ teachers

Public opinion polls and a survey of Australian youth show there’s little support for allowing schools to hire or fire teachers based on their sexual orientation.
Funding boosts to private schools will not necessarily result in lower fees.

Public schools losing out in political power plays

Increased funding to Catholic schools won’t necessarily make them more accessible for low-income families.
Teacher turnover causes significant disruptions to the school year, researchers say. Rob Marmion/

Teacher turnover is a problem – here’s how to fix it

About 16 percent of all teachers change schools or leave teaching. Often, these changes occur in the middle of the school year, which causes significant setbacks in learning, researchers say.
A Texas school’s tribute to the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

Why there’s so much inconsistency in school shooting data

The Department of Education says there were 240 school shootings during a recent school year. Another database only counts 29. How could the numbers be so different – and who is right?

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