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Articles sur David Cameron

Affichage de 341 à 360 de 369 articles

David speaks, the tribe smiles. PA

What was the point of the party conferences?

“War – huh. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing”, sang Edwin Starr back in the sixties. Most people say the same about party conferences. They take up half a week. They cost a fortune. They don’t actually…
Green shoots, or cash? Lewis Whyld/PA

Green Conservatism shriveled after banks went to the wall

As Conservatives head to Manchester for their annual party conference this weekend, it seems a very long time since David Cameron, then newly-elected party leader, urged the electorate to “Vote Blue, Go…
It doesn’t matter who won the Commons vote: these are the losers. Freedom House via Creative Commons

It’s the Syrian people that matter, not British politics

As a policy analyst, I am naturally interested in the dynamics of domestic politics, the role of specific actors, institutions and communities. So I understand why so much talk in Britain yesterday and…
Will the US attack Syria in the face growing international condemnation and opposition? EPA/Jim Lo Scalzo

Malcolm Fraser: Syria attack ‘illegal’

Former Australian prime minister Malcolm Fraser has attacked American plans to launch attacks on the Assad regime in Syria, describing them as illegal and reminiscent of the disastrous invasion of Iraq…
The chances of EU reform are improving for David Cameron. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Crab-like Cameron’s reform bid finding continental friends

There has been in a shift in the way the Conservative party leadership has talked about the European Union over the past fortnight. No longer is the talk of “giving the people a choice” about membership…
Barack Obama’s comments that murdered teen Trayvon Martin ‘could have been me’ continue a long trend of Obama using ‘intimate politics’. EPA/Shawn Thew

Obama, Cameron and Trayvon Martin: ‘Boyz n the Hood’?

Barack Obama’s “Trayvon Martin could have been me” speech has been heralded as a political landmark. American commentators have lauded its seamless fusion of different voices: “a president, an African-American…
Hard hats at the ready: a Johnson-Osborne clash over transport funding may be a dress rehearsal for a much bigger fight ahead. Matt Dunham/PA Wire

Only one winner in the battle between Boris and Osborne

The clash between Boris Johnson and George Osborne over cuts to Transport for London’s budget, which would scupper the mayor’s 2020 vision for a cycling city, represents far more than an argument over…
They’re going thataway: David Cameron delivers a speech on immigration at the University of Suffolk, March 2013. Paul Rogers/The Times/PA Wire/Press Association Images

Roll up! Roll-up! It’s the all-party immigration game show

Foundation essay: Welcome to the first in a series of articles marking the launch of The Conversation in the UK. Our foundation essays are longer than our usual comment and analysis articles and take a…
Sorry captain, I thought the big red button made it go faster. PA/Andy Buchanan

Trident: time to rethink Britain’s nuclear future

The Coalition government is pressing ahead with a long, expensive and controversial programme to replace the Trident nuclear weapon system beginning with the procurement of a new fleet of submarines armed…
Plotting an escape from the naughty step. Carl Court/PA Archive/Press Association Images

No reason to panic over China’s cold shoulder

Recent news that David Cameron has been placed on the naughty step by China after his meeting with the Dalai Lama caused much concern in UK business circles. Reports suggested the Chinese sovereign wealth…
I’ve seen the future Nick, and it’s behind us. Stefan Wermuth

For Cameron and Clegg the cost of compromise is high

Compromise. It’s one of those Jekyll and Hyde verbs. Used actively, it’s a good thing - you want something; I want something different; we talk it over; we come to an arrangement; we compromise. Used passively…
On the noes: more than 100 Tory MPs voted for an amendment to the Queen’s Speech last night in a huge rebuff to the PM on Europe. PA Wire

Cameron in crisis as Tories’ glass jaw exposed again by huge Commons rebellion

When more than 100 Conservative MPs vote for an amendment to their own government’s Queen’s Speech, it is more than a rebellion - it is historically unprecedented. And despite David Cameron’s insistence…
The Falkland Island may be cold, windswept and remote, but they retain major geo–political importance and this weekend’s referendum on sovereignty will define the relationship between the UK and Argentina for years to come. Felipe Trueba/EPA

Falklands referendum will change little

History is about to be made on the Falkland Islands, which holds its first official sovereignty referendum this weekend. Some 1,600 Islanders will be asked whether they wish to retain their current political…
David Cameron’s 2006 campaign to “vote blue, go green” was discarded under a double dip recession - but could he now pick up on Obama’s State of the Union lead?

Will the UK pick up on Obama’s lead in climate policy?

In Wednesday’s state of the union address, US President Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet to Congress on climate change action - and in the process, cemented the re-prioritisation of the issue which…
The European question: British PM David Cameron has put it to the public to decide whether Britain should stay in the EU. AAP

UK business leaders divided by Cameron’s EU referendum

The threatened renegotiation of Britain’s place in the European Union is considered by many to be a gamble for the UK. Forty years after the UK’s entry into the European Economic Community, this declaration…
The EU faces more than just a debt crisis. AAP/Patrick Seeger

In or out? Contemplating a British exit from the European Union

You can’t join a football club and then ask to play rugby. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius summed up negative reaction to British Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech about the EU on “the Continent…
British Prime Minister David Cameron has promised the electorate an “in or out” referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU by 2017. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

Will David Cameron’s planned referendum on Britain and the EU succeed or fail?

British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced an “in/out” referendum for UK voters on European Union (EU) membership, scheduled for 2017. There were few surprises in this, as the full text of his…

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