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Articles sur Diplomats

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Frederic Eggleston presented his credentials to Chinese President Lin Sen (林森) at an official reception in Chungking on 28 October 1941. Sydney Morning Herald, November 12 1941

The Chungking Legation: Australia’s first diplomatic mission to China, 80 years ago

Under the shadow of World War II, Australia began to form its own foreign policy, separate from the British Empire. A legation in China was Australia’s third foreign outpost.
Several countries are developing microwave weapons, like this U.S. Air Force system designed to knock down drones by frying their electronics. AFRL Directed Energy Directorate

Experts suggest US embassies were hit with high-power microwaves – here’s how the weapons work

High-power microwave weapons are useful for disabling electronics. A new report says they ‘plausibly explain’ some ailments suffered by US diplomats and CIA agents in Cuba, China and other countries.
A soldier participates in a training during a tactical leader’s exercise at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. REUTERS/Bryan Woolston

America now solves problems with troops, not diplomats

Data show that the US intervenes more in other countries’ affairs than it did in the past. It also currently hires fewer career professionals for ambassadorial or foreign affairs positions.
A neuro-otologist at the University of Miami reported “central vestibular” (inner ear) findings in 36 per cent of American diplomats and their families affected by Havana syndrome. (Shutterstock)

‘Havana syndrome’ symptoms of diplomats in Cuba are not mass hysteria

Multiple sclerosis and endometriosis in women both used to be diagnosed as hysteria. The same could be happening with ‘Havana syndrome.’

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