Pounded yam is a popular delicacy prepared by street vendors.
Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP/Getty Images
Street food is popular in Nigeria but safety is not regulated.
Thousands of New Year party revellers and holidaymakers on North Pier Beach in 2016.
Rajesh Jantilal/AFP via Getty Images
Most beaches along Durban’s coastline have critical E. coli levels above acceptable safety levels and should be considered a public health hazard.
A boy sits on a bridge over a man-made channel in the First Nation of Shoal Lake 40, straddling the Manitoba/Ontario border, in June 2015. Until recently, a boil-water advisory had been in place in the community for more than 20 years despite its relative close proximity to Winnipeg.
The federal government’s announcement that boil-water advisories on First Nations won’t end until 2023 at the earliest isn’t surprising. The true crisis is much greater than widely known.
Decomposing bodies can add bacteria to the soil.
Bacteria and other toxic biological waste arising from decomposing bodies can contaminate water sources, representing a public health concern.
If you drop your food, it’s less about time spent on the floor and more about the surfaces.
Mai Lam/The Conversation NY-BD-CC
The “sniff test” doesn’t work every time, and other food safety tips.