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Articles sur Evolution

Affichage de 641 à 660 de 1008 articles

A wax figure of Charles Darwin, whose theories about species have influenced science for centuries. Jose Manuel Ribeiro/Reuters

The long struggle to understand species: from pre-Darwin to the present day

Humans have an innate interest and ability in naming biologically meaningful entities, or species. Taxonomy, then, vies for the title of world’s “oldest profession”.
Qilinyu, shown here front and top left, with its kin Entelognathus and small worm-like conodont animals swimming in the background. Dingua Yang/Inst. Vertebrate Palaeontology & Palaeoanthropology

Chew on this: we finally know how our jaws evolved

Next time you bite down on something you’re eating, spare a thought for the evolutioniary leap made by an ancient fish that gave rise to our jaws.

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