Sarah Bekessy
Professor in Sustainability and Urban Planning, Leader, Interdisciplinary Conservation Science Research Group (ICON Science), RMIT University
Brendan Wintle
Professor in Conservation Science, School of Ecosystem and Forest Science, The University of Melbourne
Luisa Sotomayor
Associate professor, York University, Canada
Jenny McGuire
Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Edward Narayan
Senior Lecturer in Animal Science, The University of Queensland
Laura Annalise Tanguay
PhD student, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Canada
Katarzyna Nowak
Białowieża Geobotanical Station, Department of Biology, University of Warsaw
Bogdan Jaroszewicz
Professor of Biology and Director of Białowieża Geobotanical Station, University of Warsaw
Alexander Piel
Asso. Professor in Anthropology, University College London, UCL
Marcus Atkins
MSc. Student, Environmental Science, Thompson Rivers University
Heini Kujala
Senior Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne
Angus Mcintosh
Professor of Freshwater Ecology, University of Canterbury
Jochen A.G. Jaeger
Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment, Concordia University
Fiona Stewart
Lecturer in Wildlife Conservation, Liverpool John Moores University
Thami Croeser
Research Officer, Centre for Urban Research, RMIT University