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Immigration – Analyses

New Canadians raise their right hands as Immigration Minister Marc Miller administers the Oath of Citizenship during a citizenship ceremony in Ottawa in February 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Canada at a crossroads: Understanding the shifting sands of immigration attitudes

The rise in anti-immigration sentiments, especially amid challenging conditions, could have far-reaching consequences for Canada’s social harmony and economic prosperity.
People participate in an immigration rally in Homestead, Fla., in June 2023. Joe Raedle/Getty Images

How Biden’s executive order to protect immigrant spouses of citizens from deportation will benefit their families and communities

Biden’s executive action will shield approximately 500,000 undocumented spouses of US citizens, as well as 50,000 children, from deportation and give them the legal right to stay in the US.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump returns from a break in his hush money trial at Manhattan Criminal Court, May 28, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson, Pool)

The intersectionality of hate helps make sense of the ideology of Donald Trump and the far right

The intersectionality of hate, which combines racism, antisemitism and misogyny, leads the white heterosexual male to believe that he is a victim of the “minorities” he must resist.
A U.S. Border Patrol officer shows how he found an undocumented Mexican immigrant under the hood of a car along the U.S.-Mexican border in March 1954. Associated Press

Trump promises to deport all undocumented immigrants, resurrecting a 1950s strategy − but it didn’t work then and is less likely to do so now

Donald Trump says he will authorize a roundup of all 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. A 1950s program with similar goals, called Operation Wetback, offers lessons.
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister Marc Miller recently expressed alarm over asylum claims by international students at private colleges. (Shutterstock)

Setting the record straight on refugee claims by international students

Recent comments about international students in Canada significantly abusing the asylum system are misleading and obscure the context needed to understand a complex issue.
A Torontonian stands at the intersection of Yonge St. and Dundas Ave. Addressing long-standing inequities in immigrant and migrant voter participation in Canada may help shine a spotlight on the social and economic hardships that immigrant and diasporic communities face. That includes health-care access and health outcomes. (Unsplash)

Fractured futures: Upward mobility for immigrants is a myth as their health declines

The myth of the ‘healthy immigrant’ has likely resulted in policymakers dismissing the health-care needs of newcomers to Canada. That’s why electoral participation is so important.