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Kristina Fullerton Rico

Research Fellow, Center for Racial Justice, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

Kristina Fullerton Rico is a Research Fellow at the Center for Racial Justice at the Ford School of Public Policy. Her research examines the impacts of U.S. immigration policies that lead unauthorized immigrants and their families to endure long-term separation.

Fullerton Rico's current projects focus on the experiences of undocumented Mexican immigrants in New York City who are aging out of the workforce, the experiences of older return migrants who find themselves in Mexico after decades in the United States because they were unable to adjust their immigration status, and the experiences of separated parents and children. She recently published an article about grieving from afar in Social Problems. Her work has been funded by the Russell Sage Foundation and Sociologists for Women in Society.


  • 2023–present
    Predoctoral Fellow, Center for Racial Justice, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan


  • 2019 
    University of Wisconsin–Madison, M.S., Sociology


  • 2023
    "Grieving in the 'Golden Cage': How Unauthorized Immigrants Mourn from Afar, Social Problems

Professional Memberships

  • American Sociological Association
  • Sociologists for Women in Society