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Articles sur Meteorites

Affichage de 61 à 72 de 72 articles

The November 27 fireball as photographed by the Desert Fireball Network observatory at William Creek, South Australia. Desert Fireball Network

How to find a meteorite that’s fallen to Earth

It’s no easy task to find a meteorite that’s just been seen flashing across the sky. But it helps if you have an automatic network of “eyes” on the night sky.
Aboriginal stories dating back many thousands of years talk of a fire from the sky in an area now home to the Henbury meteorite craters, in the Northern Territory. Flickr/Boobook

Finding meteorite impacts in Aboriginal oral tradition

We can learn much about meteor strikes in ancient Australia by examining the oral traditions of indigenous people.
A bright fireball over the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, ALMA, in Chile, marks the fiery death of a small grain of space debris, high in the atmosphere. ESO/C. Malin

Explainer: why meteors light up the night sky

Meteors have been seen since people first looked at the night sky. They are comprised of small pieces of debris, typically no larger than a grain of dust or sand, which continually crash into the Earth’s…
A group of excited observers during a peak of the Geminids meteor shower. Flickr/Tasayu Tasnaphun

Nature’s fireworks: the best meteor showers coming in 2015

Watching meteors in the night sky can be fun, although typically you only see a few flashes an hour. But there are certain times of the year when you can see many more – events known as meteor showers…
Along with pictures and samples from Mars’ surface, meteorites provide great insight into the planet’s geological history. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Centre

Sparkling meteorite provides a glimpse of Martian history

Our interest in our near-neighbour Mars – the hope of finding life there, or of possibly colonising it in the future – has driven several orbiting missions to the planet. These produced very detailed maps…
Search for glass beads to reveal the past. rickmach

Meteorite impacts leave behind time capsules of ecosystems

Meteorite impacts can be very destructive. One that fell in Mexico around 66m years ago created a 180km crater and caused the extinction of dinosaurs while spewing debris and molten rock into the air…
The trail of a meteor that caused some harm, but mostly helped humanity understand the meteorite strikes on Earth. alexeya

Secrets revealed of ‘dash-cam’ meteorite that rocked Russia

The asteroid impact that burst over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on the morning of February 15 has provided a huge collection of new data that scientists have been analysing since. This week, three papers, two…

Chelyabinsk meteor melted before exploding

Analysis of fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite shows it either collided with another body before hitting the atmosphere…

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